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Describe some of the ways in w

            Describe some of the ways in which it has been argued that identities can be seen as represented through symbols.
             The aim of this assignment is to describe the concept of symbols in the construction of identities. To explore the theories of visualisation and interpellation put forward by Mead and Althuser. To examine the link between symbols and representation in process of identities and to show how people perceptions of who we are is shaped by the images and symbols we give out and take on.
             Identity is a chronological process started before we are born. Other people expectations of who we can are planted on us from birth. We have a surname, a probable place of birth, and a class and ethnic identity. As we develop we actively take up our own identities which, sometimes do not match those expectations. We hear statement such as, this is not quite how we imagine he or she would be.
             Identity formation is a combination of who we are and how other people see us. It is about the social perception of the individual by the world we live in. Identity formation is a process of construction. We have to actively take up identities. You can not say you are a mother without active engagement in that role. In order to make sense of ourselves as an individual and the world in which we live we have to actively take up an identity. Some of the ways we do this ? .
             Identities are marked by difference. The place we come from, the badge, scarves we wear, our ethnicity and gender, all serve to mark out the differences in identities.
             We form an image of what a particular thing or situation should be, then we mark ourselves from it or identify with it. We picture what we want to be, then mark ourselves off from it. We are the same as the people who share the same identity. We generally tend to identify ourselves as what we are not, as oppose to what we are. For example, I am not a.even though I am a.
             Mead argued that it is the capacity to imagine how others would see us and our ability to carry imagines in our mind, which distinguish us as humans.

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