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Today however, streets of this section are not pedestrian friendly and the old small shopping centers and stores were replaced by mall on the streets.?Southwest will never become a pedestrian friendly street-scale urban community?This is a street-unfriendly population-they wouldn't go up there if there were gold bricks for sale. They aren't walkers. They aren't minglers? (11 of 13).
             After the urban renewal project took place in the old Southwest, it created disconcerting social and economic effects on its neighborhood and it's people. The old Southwest neighborhood had developed great social life, mostly through forming communities, where people of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds mingled and worked together. For the people who lived there, southwest was a vital neighborhood community, supported by stable core of long-term residents, convenient shopping and established religious institutions.For decades, African Americans, Italian immigrants, Eastern European Jews and other lived and worked side by side in this poor thriving neighborhood, rich in cultural traditions and with strong communities ties? (1 of 13). Once the renewal project was finished, one major disadvantage of this newly developed area of the Southwest was that it disrupted the normal patterns of social relations and interpersonal interaction between people in the community. Today, people living in this area are socially segregated and isolated, with little or no contact among its neighborhood's members.One of the flows which was thought to be a great idea in the urban renewal plan is that it was cut up into these complexes which look internally. It shortchanges the overall sense of community?There's a failure of community, and I think part of it has to do with how it's designed?(8 of 13). .
             In addition, one of the major dilemmas of this section is that area is divided into socially distinctive sub-areas. For example,Area A and area C are opposite poles of the social continuum ranging from upper middle class to lower working class and area B is in-between.

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