Auto-Free D.C. is a grassroots organization working to transform the metropolitan region's transportation system. They advocated elimination of the massive subsidies that encourage automobile use and their redirection to fund sustainable transportation projects: public transit, bicycling and pedestrian facilities. Auto-Free D.C. believed that we must end our forced dependence on the automobile as a precondition for achieving an environmentally sustainable, equitable, and livable community (4). Auto-Free D.C. leads the fight to reclaim Rock Creek National Park from automobile abuse through its "Free-the-Park" bicycle rides and ongoing lobbying of the National Park Service. They testified on the "Clean Air Plan" before the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee. Auto-Free D.C. co-organized the Metro area's first National Bike-to-Work Week festivities in May. Also, they helped defeat Metrobus fare increases by pressuring the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.
The Euro-America Clean Air Foundation has recently instituted a National Clean Air Education campaign. This campaign assimilates several independent programs and productions in a united effort to improve environmental education and awareness. "Clean Air Commandos," the first video release of the projected Clean Air series, is presently being offered to schools and corporations. This video is an acclaimed, education video that relates what children can do to help reduce air pollution and environmental degradation. The Clean Air Demonstration Team, the Clean Air Challenge, and a unique interactive Clean Air program comprise a significant portion of the Community Outreach Program. The Clean Air Demonstration Team is a crew of Clean Air professionals who tour schools and demonstrate to children how air pollution can be significantly reduced with proper vehicle maintenance and the use of existing technology (5).