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In addition, if people do not begin to realize the seriousness of racism, it just may go on forever.
             Blacks continue to struggle for equality and freedom, many racist whites feel that blacks does not deserve to live as well as them. They do not want to see them accomplish anything. Moreover, they will do whatever it takes so that blacks will not succeed. Instead of blacks standing up for themselves and making it their life dream to accomplish something, many of them settle for less. Although we have to work harder to make our dreams reality, it is worth the time and effort.
             During the year of 1995, there was a Million Man March held in Washington D.C. This was the largest black march ever. There were buses arranged to transport our black men to and from, the black women supported them. Although this was only for the men and there was some that were unable to attend, they previewed it live on television. This along with other black movements will go down in history.
             This march was held to bring all the black men together in peace and educate them. Many times, we may hear people say that this is the white man's world and a black person will never get ahead. Well, that is not true. This world does not belong to the white man it belongs to God. I agree it may be hard for blacks to get ahead. However, one needs to know how to get ahead. This march helped the blacks as a race see where they were going wrong and what they need to do to correct themselves. I hope this march helped some of our people realize what type of world they are living in. It is time that blacks take a stand.
             I have come to notice many racist people, black and white, are not well educated. However, they tend to think they are because their skin is a certain color. To be as smart as they claim to be, they are not aware of the ignorance racism brings about. They do not understand the problems it brings forth in our society.

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