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Critical analysis

Curled as a description also giving connotations of being withdrawn and defensive, unchangeable. This is opposed to the other girl, "Tina, a kind child with long red hair."(p.93) connoting a more mature friendlier girl - red coming across as a brighter 'nicer' colour than black.
             Symbolism, as a literary technique is also used in creating meaning in the short story. One example of this was the symbolic purpose of the piece of fossil wood that Giovannia bought out to show Miss Bruce. It was explained that the fossil was actually a piece of wood that had turned into stone over a period of time. When audiences look at the main conflict in the story of cultural discord, and the characteristics - wood and stone - of the fossil it is possible that readers may conclude some symbolic inference.
             The element of wood represents Ginny and her Mother as being softer and more pliable and vulnerable than the cold, hard, unchanging characteristics of stone. This then implies that from the attitudes of the Australian characters in the story that the stone is symbolic of them being set in their values and beliefs. The fossil may also represent the way that Giovannia and her Mother will turn to stone in their resentment towards the Australian attitude toward 'different' cultures, as they are not prepared to give up their original cultural background.
             This symbolism is quite similar to the underlying message conveyed in the story told by Mrs Aldonza to the girls at the birthday party. Ginny tries to interpret why her Mother chooses to tell the story about the wild goose and comes to the conclusion that her Mother is trying to push a message ".perhaps that people, children, should not just be like everyone else all the time." (p.93) Another possible conclusion as to the implied meaning for telling this story is that Mrs Aldonza is saying that Giovannia and herself are the wild geese that are trying to share their background (culture) and unless the others try to see both points of view they will continue to reject these 'wild geese' without even making an effort.

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