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             Observations carried out within Total Energy have found that the majority of Business Units are managed adequately on the basis of traditional management approaches. Under this approach low expectations, no accountability for mistakes and poor performance are common however, despite the lack of leadership within the team process these teams have managed to survive.
             In a society today where companies are more focused on the bottom-line, a great deal of pressure is placed in accountability to shareholders and owners. It has become obvious that the better organisations will be the one's that position themselves economically.
             According to Nutting, Cielens, Strachan, there are eight key elements that if managed in a pro-active role, will enable a team to focus on its goals and the roles of the company:.
             ? Results - The team is focused on measurable, specific outcomes, which are developed through consultation with all team members. .
             ? Informal processes - Employees are not only concerned with the formal channels and procedures, but they also recognise the role of informal processes. These processes can be used to enhance the way in which people interact.
             ? Feelings - Recognising employee's emotional needs ensures that team members feel valued and are prepared to support one another. .
             ? Leadership - Even though there is anofficial leader?, leadership must be shared. Fully functioning teams recognise that leadership is a complex set of attributes that are shared by members of a team. This allows members to adapt and change as circumstances arise.
             ? Complementary skills - Ensures that the basic skills required to complete tasks effectively are available.
             ? Feedback mechanisms - This allows team members to monitor their own and that of their team's performance by providing a basis for rewards.
             ? Rewards - rewarding team and individual performances helps a team to maintain momentum and focus.

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