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Dances With Wolves Analysis

            ) The Film draws you into the Lakota lifestyle and makes you feel sympathetic toward the Native Americans by having them speak in their native language. This made them appear as if they were ordinary people like a person from today's world. Also the film showed how they interacted with each other just as any other family does. Even the children acted like human beings, this was shown in the scene where the group of Native American children attempted to steal Cisco. One of the children fell from his horse and hurt his arm. His friends called him an idiot, worried about how their fathers would punish them, just as a kid from today's world would. The Lakota's love for the environment was shown during the scene when the tribe walked past rotting buffalo bodies that were slain by white men. They were extremely sad because the buffalo had been killed only for their tongues and hides. The Lakota's make sure to use every part of the buffalo they kill. Many of the Native Americans were named after animals which also show their connection with the environment. They had much love for the land because they lived off it and it kept them alive.
             2.) I do not agree with this statement. Throughout the movie there were good and bad whites. Timmons is one example of a bad white. He was a disgusting man who was extremely dirty and had no manners. The assignment officer that Dunbar met was also a rude human being that was full of himself. He acted like he was a king and there were no consequences for his actions. The most dramatic example of an evil white in this movie was Spivey. Spivey would constantly mistreat Dunbar. He stole Dunbar's diary even though he couldn't read and he wouldn't give it to the commander to prove Dunbar's innocence. Spivey and a group of white men shot at Two-Socks while he was harmlessly standing on a hill. This made the white men seem extremely evil. However, there were good white men in the movie as well.

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