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Wasted Lives

            Vietnam War- The Vietnam War was the longest war in which the United States took part. In 1954 Vietnam was divided into two sections, the North and the South. Ho Chi Minh led the North and they believed in communism. Ngo Dinh Diem led the anti-communist south. The United States sent civilian and military advisers to help the South Vietnamese to prevent the spread of communism. By 1965 the U.S. began sending troops to Vietnam and bombing North Vietnam. American involvement in the war became very unpopular in the U.S. By 1973 when China and the Soviet Union were sending arms and supplies to North Vietnam, U.S. participation in the war ended. People in the U.S. protested the war then and still believe that the U.S. involvement should be condemned.The U.S. may have been right to try and contain the spread of communism but the way the war was fought should be condemned. The war killed 2 million Vietnamese citizens and 58,000 Americans.
             Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, states in his book In Retrospect, "How did this group-"the best and the brightest," as we eventually came to be known in an ironically pejorative phrase- get it wrong on Vietnam?" (Preface) McNamara was there; he helped lead America into Vietnam. He wanted to fight against communism and was even willing to sacrifice American lives. Eventually he believed that the war was unwinnable. But the people who wanted to keep fighting outnumbered him. He left the Johnson administration and his involvement in the Vietnam War. McNamara states that the war "deeply affected" him and his family like many other people. He says " the war caused terrible damage to America. No doubt exists in my mind about that." (Preface) When he was involved he did not completely see what was going on, but he now understands. McNamara's assumption of what went wrong is this, " I truly believe that we made an error not of values and intentions but of judgment and capabilities" (Preface).

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