shape direction of professional development show results of such forays.
Opportunity to reflect on meaning of past achievements? Evidence of regular formative evaluation?.
feedback evidence.
To define the 2 evaluations we may say that:.
Formative evaluation tests a new instructional unit by sampling learners during the development phase, and using the results to improve the front-end analysis.
The formative evaluation is of 2 types:.
Decision-oriented studies .
• Provides information based on particular questioning regarding the instruction .
• Does the lesson require too much time to complete? Are there enough practice items? .
Objectives-based studies
• Investigates how well the program achieves its objectives? .
• Method discussed in summative evaluation section.
Summative evaluation measures how well the major outcomes of a course are attained at the conclusion of instruction.
This evaluation is conducted in order to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a completed curriculum which takes place at the completion of the curriculum development process & provides a judgment on the completed product (Reinhartz & Beach, 1992).
Both of them used to improve how a course is taught while identifying the effectiveness of the instructional unit.
So, the evaluation should occur throughout the process of curriculum development.
The curriculum designers prepare 2 sets of expectations for each broad curriculum area, for each course.
The overall expectations- that describe the general terms, the knowledge & skills that students are expected to demonstrate by the end of each course. The specific expectations- that describe the expected knowledge & skills in greater details. .
They are intended as a guide for teachers. It will help them to focus on particular aspects of knowledge & skills as they plan learning activities for their students.
The language textbook authors, on the other hand, study the curriculum thoroughly.