Using time management techniques, building relationships with other team members, and formalizing each member's deliverables are effective methods for dealing with many of the process conflicts that can arise within a virtual team. Once a team is effectively managing time, it can focus on preventing other, interpersonal conflicts. .
One fundamental element in determining the success and failure of a virtual team is trust. Conflicts can result in a virtual team if team members do not trust each other. Team members can have issues about opening up to someone they have never met face-to-face. Overall, trust on a virtual team can cause many areas of concern among team individuals. An examination of the potential conflicts that can arise within the team as well as some ways to try to prevent and deal with the conflicts will follow. (Bhattacharya, Devinney, & Pillutla, 1998; Golembiewski & McConkie, 1975; Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995) .
Some questions that can arise in a virtual team are: Will there be team disappointment within the group? Can a virtual team become reliable? Will individual efforts be visible to and appreciated by the team? These are only some questions that can arise and affect the performance of a team. Conflict may result if individuals overstep one another's values, needs, expectations, perceptions, or personalities. Working as a team can cause a lot of aggravation if members feel that they are not getting the respect that they deserve. When team members try to contribute their fair share and are not being heard, tension may develop among a team. This can develop into resentment and cause additional conflicts. If a team reaches this point it is very hard for team members to contribute and regain the trust needed among the members. .
In a virtual world, the way you come across in your first interactions will define future interactions "studies have shown that "virtual trust is either established or destroyed right up front.