They were then owned by the Government and were placed either into an institution or mission dormitory (which were run by church nuns), fostered or adopted as part of the assimilation policy. There they were placed into white Australian schools, where they were taught to forget about their heritage and to become an white Australian. Some of the children were placed in work, but never got their wages because they were told they were not entitled or not trusted to receive their wages. The Government also introduced marriage laws, which were also a plan to eradicate the Aboriginal race. Aboriginal women were made to marry white Australian men to slowly breed out the race. These aboriginal children are known day as the Stolen Generation. Not one word can describe the conditions these stolen children experienced while growing up and the way that they were treated. .
The children sent to missionaries were not treated well. They were discouraged from family contact and were taught to reject Aborigines and Aboriginality. Their education was poor and very basic. It essentially prepared them for menial labor. They were made to act, think and talk like a white person. They could only play English games and sing English songs. They weren't aloud to speak their own language. They were made to forget about their parents. The children were made to wear white English style uniforms, do schooling and dances, were made to learn that their culture was bad and had to learn a new culture, and sometimes they were exposed to sexual, mental, and physical abuse. They were made to eat gruel like foods and told by the government that there parents had died, that aboriginality was bad and that their parents hated them. When the children misbehaved or did something wrong by accident, such as breaking a window, they were either beaten up or lashed. These treatments towards the stolen children also happened to children that were adopted or fostered out to white Australian families.