One of the reasons that it has been well received is through the means of show business as entertainment. The change has been a natural one, a smooth transition. The entertainment behemoths know exactly what they are doing and doing it in a way to gather in larger audiences. However, lets not forget about choice. As with the couch potato, he is in command with the remote control, because, in fact, if he does not appreciate what is being viewed, he can always change the channel to a different type of entertainment, an entertainment that dictates to his culture.
Television is a wonderful pleasure to the eyes. It's an outflow of hundreds of channels to choose from. There is always something to view. Neil Postman states that: .
American television is, indeed, a beautiful spectacle, a visual delight, pouring forth thousands of images on any given day. The average length of a shot on network television is only 3.5 seconds, so that the eye never rest, always has something new to see. Moreover, television offers viewers a variety of subject matter, requires minimal skills to comprehend it, and is largely aimed at emotional gratification. Even commercials, which some regard as an annoyance, are exquisitely crafted, always pleasing to the eye, and accompanied by exciting music. There is no question but that the best photography in the world in presently seen on television commercials [millions of dollars are spent on television commercials during the NFL Superbowl]. American television, in other words, is .
devoted entirely to supplying its audience with entertainment The problem is not that television presents us with entertaining subject matter but that all subject matter is presented as entertaining (86-87).
The news, it is an entertainment show that is bent on showing how much of a cruel world it is that we live in. The more gruesome the headline, the more interesting the show.