Civil Disobedience has a long,distinguished history. Without Civil Disobedience, the Civil .
Rights Movement wouldn't have gotten very far in the 60's. Civil Disobedience is the refusal .
to obey the laws which are seen as unjust in an effort to bring about a chnage in governmental .
policy. The Civil Rights Movement is the movement of the 1950's and 1960's to win equal .
rights for all African Americans.
The Civil Rights Movement.
Before the Civil War, the U.S had the distinction of being the one of the only countries in .
the world where slavery was fully legal. Slavery was not said to be illegal by the government .
until January 1, 1863 in the middle of the Civil War by President Abraham Lincoln in an .
document known as the Emancipation Proclamation. Then an Amendment was passed which .
made slavery officially illegal, but not until 1865. It ended legalized slavery, but didn't mean .
equality or freedom for most blacks in America. Even if black people was free they still could .
not vote or had opportunities that whites had.
After the war, more movement toward equality was made. The 15th Amendment was .
passed in 1870 to the Constitution. It gaved African Americans the right to vote. However, the .
Supreme Court said in 1896 that seperate bathrooms, train seating, and schools was allowed .
as long as the "blacks only" and the "whites only" sections were equal. In the south .
bathrooms, movie theathers, bus seats, train seats, and drinking fountains were often indicated .
for blacks or whites. That was called Segregation. In disregard of the court decision, there .
was no legal way to make sure the services was always equal. Strong forces like the Klu Klux .
To what Extent 4 .
Klan threathened blacks with violence, especially when they wanted equality.
In the 1940's and 50's things changed, not because attitudes in the south wsa changing, but .