o Rhyme - is related to the use of an identical sound, letter or syllable at the end of adjacent words or lines. Very often rhyme is combined with alliteration and assonance (Mean machine, the cleanest clean it's ever been; Be kind to your behind);.
o Rhythm - is formed by a harmonial succession of sounds contributing to the musical flow of language (drinka pinta milka day).
These features function to divert attention away from logical language towards the "feeling- or "impression- represented through the phonic cohesion of words.
Lexical means.
The main idea of advertising is to sell a product to as many people as possible. To do so, the advertisers need to convince the customers that their product is of utmost need to them. Therefore, the advertisers select the superlatives or comparatives and adjectives which carry positive meanings (Find out for yourself how Cadillac offers the best luxury motoring money can buy; All the biggest stories). They give descriptions of the product, stressing on the best sides of the advertised product. To create a tighter contact with the target group, the language includes personal pronouns among which the most common is personal pronoun "you-. .
Another distinctive feature of the lexicology of advertising language is the usage of verbs in the advertisement text . In the Present Simple negative and interrogative sentences it is common to use shortened verb forms, making the sentence sound more colloquial (Don't just do it. Do it better. Life is not a spectator sport). In some occasions the auxiliary verb has totally been left out in the question, suggesting that if also the question mark would be deleted, it would be a presentation of a fact (Want to know what's making Bridgestone's Potenza tyre such a winner on the F1 circuit?). .
The third major feature in advertising lexicology is the usage of specific terms.