Crowley obtained a copy of The Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage and began to pursue the mastery of magic; or as Crowley had titled it, "The Great Work".
Throughout the next several years the occultist would publish books on meditation, Qabalistic tabulation, and other magical practices. These works include Knox Om Pax, The Equinox, 777, and The Holy Books. With his passion for the occult continually expanding, he would develop his own Magical Order called The A:. A:., or Argenteum Astrum, in which he would further share the secret documents of the Golden Dawn.
Crowley would then travel to North Africa to accomplish his greatest work yet. Accompanied by Victor Newburg and Dr. John Dee, the three magicians would perform a ritual using Enochian Calls (the language of Angels) in Cairo throughout March of 1904. It is here where Crowley finally made contact with his Holy Guardian Angel using the methods described in Abramelin's grimoire. The apparition identified itself as Aiwass and would give to him The Book of the Law. Over three consecutive days between 12 and 1 p.m. Crowley would receive the messages and translate the work to Dee and Newburg as they would write down exactly what Crowley said. This text was published and became the Bible of the Thelemic religion, in which the A:. A:. and Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) would analyze and follow deeply.
Thelemites, (as they call themselves) take to heart the words of Aiwass and live their lives accordingly: "Every man and every woman is a star" ("The Equinox of the Gods" 15) would be the group's quintessential slogan. The book itself basically states that God does not care what we do and to enjoy all aspects of life and magic. It is a book of love and living, but meant to be read and then destroyed as instructed in the text by selected readers. This act itself is to manifest the work into the interwoven super-conscious of mankind, and theoretically transforming Earth's evolution.