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Relating to Anpao

             I believe that there is a reason for the existence of each one of us. I believe that our fate is already decided. Our duty in life is to go day by day, allowing our destiny to unfold before us. In the book Anpao, we read about the destiny of a young Indian boy and the steps he takes in order to fulfill his predetermined destiny. In many ways I can see how in my life I am also beginning what is destined for me.
             At first, while reading this book, I found myself very unlike Anpao. I could not understand why he had such great inner conflict. Why was he constantly questioning his thoughts and ideas? Now, going back and analyzing his position, I have realized that I myself at times have inner conflict. Everyone does. The conflict is what presents the challenges. In fact, I see the conflict as good because it has allowed me to respect the differentiating views of our society. Also, it has allowed me to feel comfortable in expressing my true self. I feel that I am at the place in my life because of the challenges that I have taken. For this reason, I would not change the decision I have made.
             Four years ago I was reacquainted with who is now my fiancé, Lucas. Our parents have been friends for about thirty years, and growing up we would see each other from time to time. Lucas is three years older than I, so naturally he would always hang around with my older brother, being that they were the same age. Since the day Lucas and I ran into each other, we have not stopped talking. Fours years later, here we are, engaged to be married. I have always thought that it was funny the way things turned out for us. Who would have thought that all my life I was friends with the person that I would eventually fall in love with? For me, it was pretty much love at first sight. To this day I still get silly feelings in my stomach when I see him. For this reason and many others, I truly believe that Lucas and I are destined for each other, much like Anpao and Ko-ko-mik-e-is.

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