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The Great Gatsby

The films music matched the the scenes in the film because depending on the scene the music matched the corresponding scene for example when George Wilson is looking for Gastby the music sounds very suspensful and matched the scene.The make up in the film made the characters look the way i suspected before watching the film such as the rich dressed very clean and neat and the poor were always working and dirty.As for the casting decisions for the most part the actors chosen to play the roles did a good job there were times throughtout the film were i would forget i was watching a movie thats how realistic it was.The film location was also good because the way the novel describes everything the film was exactly the same for the most part except for the color of gatsby's car.
             Symbols are often used in literary works and motion pictures in order to send the reader or audience a message. Symbols are used to represent something else by association, resemblance, or convention, for example works like Death of a Salesman, Catcher in the Rye, and The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby issues many symbols which are reflected in the film as well as the novel. For example, the Green Light which connects Gatsby and Daisy represents or symbolizes Gatsby's dreams and goals in his life. The green light associates him to Daisy, because his dream is to be with Daisy. As well as the green light Fitzgerald drops other symbols like the valley of ashes. The valley of ashes represents societies moral and social decadence. These decreases are generally and mainly caused as a result of their unrestrainment to wealth. The eyes of Doctor T.J Eckleburg on a billboard in the valley of ashes represents some sort of God or superior being or power looking down upon American society. The biggest symbol is the rise and fall of Gatsby's and Daisy's relationship. At the beginning of their affair everything was great, but their relationship was soon corrupted by money and dishonesty.

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