Change is the process by which an object, person or state is altered.
The above quote reflects the way in which two people think about change. One person, the writer of the quote, shows her idea about change at the present time; she agrees with the quote stated by Nelson Mandela, she also states that the quote describes the best way to realize change has or is occurring. .
The other person's opinion, Nelson Mandela, was expressed sometime in the past and is a strong comment, which reveals his way of noticing change. .
The writer of the quote says that change is necessary through out life. Life is much like a growing tree, the tree must change in order to grow. It must grow in order to bear fruit and take it's place in the world. Trees that do not change die, people that do not change die. A person that is born changes everyday of its life, it grows and learns, without these changes a person cannot exist.
Another quote I think that relates to this subject was said by Paul Hawkin "All is connected no one thing can change by itself." I believe that this is true. No one thing can change by itself. When traveling there are many things to look at, as the scenery changes you inside change; your responses to the nature and sights around you change, this can also change how you think about the area you are in and the moods you are experiencing.
Idries Shah wrote a story under the name of Nasrudin, who is a Mulla. The story states that as a child Nasrudin was considered contrary as he used to do the opposite of what he was told. On Nasrudin's fourteenth birthday he took a load of flour to the markets with his father, they were crossing a rickety bridge and the load began to slip. His father cried out to pull the load up on the left hand side or they would lose it al, thinking Nasrudin would pull the right hand side, obediently Nasrudin did as his father had said. His father cried out in despair as he saw the flour tumble off the bridge, In his defense Nasrudin said that since he had just turned fourteen he was now seen as a responsible and rational adult and therefore was complying with his fathers request.