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Aquaculture In Belize

             Currently, the majority of investments in Belize aquaculture are in shrimp farming. Other species cultured here include the Australian Red Claw Lobster and fin fish, namely Tilapia and Red Drum. In 1994, export earnings from these enterprises reached US$4.5 million, and conservative estimates for 1997 place that figure at US$12.5 million. It is expected that, by the year 2000, aquaculture earnings will be in excess of US$50 million.
             [This information is from from the BFCA's quarterly newsletters.].
             Other Pro Investment Factors.
             Belize have a strong stable democratic government , offers fiscal tax and other incentives,and provides corporate tax holidays and duty exemptions on equipment among other things.Renewed interests have been generated on aquaculture as it protects the delicate physical makeup of the natural fisheries in Belize. .
             The Belize Fisherman Cooperative Association Ltd.(BFCA) provides technical training to local labour force to create a skilled manpower base for the aquaculture industry needs.Currently the majority of investments in Belize aquaculture are in shrimp farming .Other species cultured here are Australian Red Claw Lobster and fin fish , namely Tilapia and Red Drum . .
             Investment Incentive Schemes.
             The importance of private investment both by local and foreigner investors has been recognized as an effective instrument for promotion of economic development,particularly the export - oriented ventures in Belize.A healthy investment climate is being maintained to attract investors by the government.Several incentive schemes have been instituted to encourage and promote investment.The investment schemes are contained in the following legislation:.
             1) Fiscal Incentive Act, No 6 of 1990;.
             2) International Business and Public Investment Companies (IBC).
             3) Mines and Minerals Act 1988;.
             4) Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Act 1990.
             5) Commercial Free Zone (CFZ) Act 1994.
             Fiscal Incentive Act 1990.

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