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This is what many people call "rock bottom". A point in the nonentity's life where nothing can seem to get worse. Now, this is the time when our natural instinct comes into affect and we scream for help. The only predicament is that many people don"t know where to find it, so they attempt to conquer their addiction on their own. Their recovery rate is much lower than others who do enter a recovery program. This is why more recovery programs should become more evident in today's society.
             "Alcoholism is a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking; most notably denial. Each of these .
             symptoms may be continuous or periodic" (bartleby). This definition recognizes alcoholism as a disease, a disease that must be treated as soon as possible. If this ailment goes untreated the user will face many consequences. A few of them are: Driver under the influence, minor in position, involuntary man-slaughter, murder, rape, suicide, kidnapping, and drunk driving. "Alcohol is a drug that can cause the user to have extremely unpredictable actions because the individual does not think clearly. It is this kind of impairment that can make it possible for any misdemeanor or felony to become extremely possible for that individual" (Beers). In other words: Drinking is more than just "a good time", it is a gateway to any imaginable misdeed.
             Not only does alcohol cause the nonentity to make bad decisions, it also takes a toll on the nonentity's body. "Alcohol has a high caloric value but a low nutritional value. Its "empty calories" may allow the alcoholic to feel satisfied while actually progressing toward a state of serious malnutrition.

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