Capital punishment is a sign of deep sickness in our culture. Our culture is addicted to violence and is desperately ill. War, racism, torture, abortion, sexism, and nuclear weapons are all signs of that illness in the world. The death penalty like these other signs of society gone wrong is immoral, evil, unethical, and un -Christian. The death penalty destroys human lives and violates human rights. .
Execution corrupts the government itself. It creates disrespect for the law. It brutalizes society. Society says that killing is wrong, but then it kills the killer.
The death penalty is a slow form of torture, resulting in murder - the planned, thoroughly legal killing of a human being by another human being and by the entire society.
Capital punishment, like all violence is inconsistent and illogical. In this case, society justifies capital punishment to set an example for those who kill. Approximately 20, 000 people are murdered each year in this country and 4, 000 are convicted of murdering others. Out of that group slightly more than 2, 100 are sentenced to death. Why do we need any more death in this country then we already have? Isn't it enough or do we need more blood on our hands? .
Putting murderers to death sends the message that life is cheap. It has a brutalizing effect on society and can push some unstable people over the edge to commit murder. Also, criminals condemned to be executed often receive much publicity. This publicity might actually urge some criminals to commit crimes. Executions do exactly the opposite of what they are meant to do. They encourage rather then prevent murder. Capital punishment is uncivilized and is a desperate response that substitutes one evil for another.
Countries that are widely separated geographically have all put people to death by various methods for various crimes. The crimes range form heresy, speaking badly about religion - to indecency, foul speech, or immodest dress - to cheating at cards.