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Blasi Critique

             There have been many debates over the issue of gay couples starting a family. In Marina Blasi's essay, "To Parent or Not to Parent That Is the Question," she clearly dictates her feelings toward lesbian couples having children and raising families. Blasi feels that lesbian couples should not have children because, "the children of gay couples are forced to deal with difficult "grown-up" issues like negative social attitudes, their parents" unorthodox sexuality, and complicated legal issues at a very early age" (11). In this essay Blasi portrays a unique style of writing by keeping the structure of the essay in an organized matter, providing specific detail to back up each point effectively, and keeps her readers attention by comparing her personal experiences to the topic. .
             A powerful style of writing that Blasi presented was the organized structure of her points throughout the paper. In Blasi's introduction she quickly tells the audience what she will be discussing and her point of view on the topic. In her thesis, Blasi gave three specific points that she felt would help the readers follow her paper efficiently. Each one of these points was discussed in order as she mentioned in her thesis. This not only kept the reader aware of her ideas that she would later discuss in the essay but made it easy for the reader to understand. This style of writing made it very accessible for the reader to flow from one paragraph to another without having trouble to distinguish each point. In Blasi's conclusion she provides examples for each point she discussed earlier in her essay, so the reader can recap what he or she just read. .
             As well as presenting the essay in an organized fashion, Blasi kept the readers interest by providing great detail for each point. For example, her first point that discusses the negative social attitudes that children are forced to deal with was backed up with a situation that Sharon Bottoms had to deal with.

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