In a city as big as New York, and who brings in millions of tourist a year, .
it is hard to believe that we are in a finically hardship. New York city is in a 5 billion .
dollar budget deficit. An as mayor Michael Bloomberg has a big job in front of him.
Bloomberg has done a lot of great things for the city since the disaster of .
9-11 has happened. Now he has another mountain to over come and that is raising 5 .
billion dollars in a city that is seeing one of its hardest economics times in years.
One idea Bloomberg has brought forth is putting tolls on the free bridges .
that connects the 5 boroughs such as Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and .
Queensbury Bridge. Which over half a million people travel over every week .
for free.
But with this idea many counter agreements have been brought up. Such as .
why take money from the working class people of this city? And what about the traffic .
jams it's going to cause. These are two very strong points brought up against this well .
thought out idea.
In an article written in the Daily News October 19, 2002 by Michael Saul. .
This idea could bring the city $100 million dollars in a fiscal year 2004, and rise up to .
$800 million in the fiscal year 2006. But what has been failed to be introduced is the .
people it will affect. Such as Jose Rodriguez a 30-year-old construction worker from .
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said the tolls could be devastating. He said, "If I pay $6 a day, .
that's over $100 a month" he also stated " with that money I should be buying food for .
my kids.".
Another issue is with the toll booths will cause traffic. But for those who.
live by EZ pass even with EZ pass the traffic will be noticeable from Queens Boulevard .
up to forest hills and Flatbush Avenue will transformed these streets into a long, narrow .
parking lot.
But to this problem which has been brought up New York turns to Europe .
and our neighboring country of Canada where in Toronto for five years a system of .
There are many alternative systems, but introducing tolls and providing extended area mass transit for free or at a minimal cost would have the most far-reaching effects (Foldvary 1999). Primarily, tolls, along with road pricing, would decrease road traffic during rush hour and other times when roadways are crowded. Road pricing is a strategic method of controlling traffic by increasing and decreasing toll amounts in order to keep traffic flowing smoothly. In anticipation of congestion, the price of the tolls would raise accordingly so that the number of cars is kept at a minimum and as conge...
The uprising began peacefully, but has since surmounted to a brutal civil war with high death tolls and war crimes on both sides, although United Nations investigators accuse more of these war crimes on the Syrian government than the rebels (Holmes). Daraya suffered for three days at the hands of the government army, which resulted in daily death toll of 440 on August 18th alone. ... The government troops are using fire rockets and machine guns in the fight, resulting in the highest daily death toll to date, many of whom were civilians not engaged in the fight. ... Following the most recen...
In the first paragraph, Donne talks about a man being so sick and when the bell tolles for him. ... In the fourth paragraph, Donne talks about a bell will toll for those who think they are dying, and though death last about a minute you will soon be brought to God. ...
Drugs have been illegal throughout the world since the early part of the 20th century. Today, the drug trade is one of the biggest industries in the world. As being one of the biggest industries, it is also the cause of one of the biggest problems facing society today, drug abuse. The drug industry...
Therefore, other costs that customers will be taking into account will be the increased petrol prices and the possibility of many more tolls on roads to reduce congestion by deterring people from using there cars in certain regions. Tolls, such as those being implemented in Durham and proposed in London and Cardiff, are designed to encourage people to leave cars outside of the cities and use public transport, reducing the demand for parking, congestion in the cities and increasing the demand for public transport. ... More significantly that tolls, the increased petrol prices will have a huge...