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Bless Me Ultima Essay

Holding strong to the beliefs that he has been taught, when exposed for the first time to the idea of a God different from that of the church, Antonio claims, " [he is] a Catholic, [ ] [he] can only believe in the God of the church'- (107). His faith in God and His ways are so strong that he chooses the "right- way "to tell the truth that he cannot believe in any other God besides the God of the church "rather than denying it and choosing the path that would surely quench his desire for knowledge. The morals and rules of religion that he has been taught are so deeply embedded in his soul, that in order to remain faithful, he is willing to give up a chance to see something new and magnificent that will bring him the understanding he desires. His sense of religion, and what being Catholic means to him, are what initially define his character and provide him with the guidance he needs to lead him life.
             However, as he grows up and is exposed to events that challenge his beliefs, his faith is shaken to a point where it can no longer return to what it was before. When he sees evil repeatedly triumph over good, he questions God's love and ability to know all and see all, considering that "perhaps God was too busy in Heaven to worry or care about us- (187). He no longer sees God as an all-powerful force that will always take care of him and guide him through difficult times. Just as a person may grow away from another when they feel neglected, Antonio begins to slowly pull farther and farther away from the traditional beliefs that he had nurtured in his heart for so long when he feels as if God does not reciprocate the faith and love he gives to him. He further doubts the might of God when he first sees the golden carp, and thinks of how .
             "the power of God had failed where Ultima's worked; and then a sudden illumination of beauty and [flashes] through his mind.

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