The show wasn't originally going to be called Saturday Night Live because at that time sportscaster Howard Cosell was using it for his comedy/variety show; however, it was canceled. SNL's original cast from '75 to '79 was called "The Not Ready For Prime Time Players". According to it was a joke towards Cosell's own "Prime Time Players". The first cast was Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris, Laraine Newman, and Gilda Radner. The show's first host was the famous comedian George Carlin, inventor of the "seven things you can't say on TV" joke. The first show also featured the Muppets and several spoof commercials but very few sketches. The next year Cosell's show was canceled and the show's name changed from "NBC's Saturday Night" to its current name, "SNL". During this year Chevy Chase went off to pursue an acting career and the show picked up Bill Murray from Cosell's show to take his place on the ever popular Weekend Update. Chevy may have been the first cast member to leave to pursue a career in Hollywood but he certainly wasn't the last. Now I'm going to tell you some of the famous faces that have been seen on SNL over the years.
Almost anyone who's anyone has either been a cast member, hosted, or appeared in a cameo on SNL. SNL has had big names hosts like Robert DiNero, Britney Spears, and Eddie Murphy. I'm sure you noticed that I named a musician, well what some people consider a musician. Britney is not the only singer to ever host the show. J-Lo and Justin Timberlake have also done it too, but the first to do it was Paul Simon. I may have also noticed that I named someone who was once a cast member that hosted. This too is not something unique. Former alum who have returned to host include Dana Carvey, Norm McDonald, and Conan O'Brien. There are at least eighteen other alumni who have returned to host. SNL is also the stage for some of the biggest musicians in the world.