Showing that with guns there is a higher homicide rate, therefore we should ban guns.
In the article "Crime is the Basic Problem, Not Guns," Wayne LaPierre states, "More than 20,000 laws regulate the rights of peaceful, honest citizens to buy and use firearms-and yet the crime rate continues to rise. When will we stop kidding ourselves? Do we really believe law N. 20,001 will make any difference? (254)" The answer to that question is yes! Every law does make a difference. LaPierre is right that crime is the basic problem, but guns aren't the answer. We don't need to bring violence on, by violence. Guns should be harder to obtain and have more strict laws. In "Tale of Two Cities" Drs. J. H. Sloan et. all explain that Vancouver had restricted handguns while Seattle's laws made it easy for people to get a gun. Vancouver's firearm homicide was lower than Seattle's showing that laws can make a difference and reduce homicide rates. Critics of handgun control state that people would find other means to kill, but according to this article both cities had the same number of deaths by other weapons. Often gun supporters" say, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," and that people will just find other means to kill. Even if this is true, why do we need to make it easier for them? Just because people are going to kill no matter what, doesn't mean that we should just hand everyone a gun. .
With a gun in a house there are more deaths. In "Why I Bought a Gun" by Gail Buchalter, she found a shocking statistic "About 300 children a year-almost a child a day-are killed by guns in this country, according to Handgun Control, Inc. (261)." In another article "Man Shoots Own Son", you hear the story of a man who has mistaken his son to be the perpetrator. Being burglarized two months in advance Manuel Sesmas woke up startled by a noise and grabbed his pistol and shot his own son. There aren't just accidental deaths with guns in the home, there is also a greater risk of suicide.