materials that lessen the water quality. .
Pollutants can be separated into .
eight different classes: Hazardous Wastes, .
chemical wastes that are toxic, .
reactive, corrosive, or ignitable. If not .
treated or stored properly, they .
can pollute water supplies. They can reach toxic .
levels when animals eat .
one another. Petroleum Products, oils and .
chemicals from oil are used for .
fuel, lubrication, plastic manufacturing, and .
many other purposes. The .
petroleum products get into water by accidental .
spills from ships, tankers .
trucks, and leaky underground storage tanks. .
Many petroleum products are .
poisonous if ingested by animals and spilled oil .
damages the feathers of .
birds and the fur of animals, often causing .
death. Heavy Metals, heavy .
metals such as copper, lead, mercury, and .
selenium, get into the water from .
industries, automotives exhaust, mines, and .
natural soil. Heavy metals also .
become more harmful as they follow the food .
chain. When they reach high .
levels in the body, they can be immediately .
poisonous or can result in long- .
term health problems. They can sometimes cause .
diarrhea and, over time, .
liver and kidney damage. Children exposed to .
lead in water can suffer .
mental retardation. Infectious Organisms, many .
diseases causing organisms .
that re present in small numbers in most natural .
waters are considered .
pollutants when found in drinking water. These .
parasites can cause illness, .
especially in people who are already suffering .
from other diseases. .
Sediment, soil particles carried to a stream bed, .
lake or ocean, if in large .
amounts, can also be a pollutant. Soil erosion .
can damage a stream or lake .
by adding too much nutrient matter. .
Sedimentation can also cover stream bed .
gravel where nmany fish lay their eggs. Excess .
Organic Matter, fertilizers .
and other nutrients used to promote plant growth .
on farms and in gardens may .
fine their way into water. At first the .
nutrients will help the plants and .