Water pollution occurs mostly when people .
It's defined as contaminations of .
streams, and ocean bays by substances harmful to .
living things.
There are many causes for water pollution but .
two general categories exist, .
direct and indirect contaminant sources. .
Indirect sources include .
contaminants that enter the water from soils, .
ground waters systems and from .
the atmosphere via rain. Soils and ground waters .
contain the residue of .
human agricultural practices for example, .
pesticides, fertilizers, and .
improperly disposed of industrial wastes. .
Atmospheric contaminants are also .
derived from humans" practices such as gaseous .
emission from automobiles, .
factories and even bakeries.
Water is very important to our life on earth. .
All organisms contain it, .
some live in it and some drink it. Animals and .
plants require water that is .
moderately pure, and they cannot survive if the .
water is loaded of harmful .
microorganisms and toxic chemicals. Water .
pollution can kill a large amount .
of fish, birds, and many other kind of animals, .
is some cases killing all .
members of the same species in an affected area. .
Pollution could make a lot .
of beautiful sight look very unpleasant for .
example, lakes, streams, and .
coastal water. It could also give it a really bad .
smell that it would make .
people not wants to swim in that kind of water.
Pollution could also make some of the sea food .
un healthy to eat. People .
who ingest polluted water can become very ill and .
if they are exposed for a .
long time, they might have a slight chance to .
develop cancer or have .
children with birth defects. Some effects of .
water pollution are poisonous .
water, poisonous food animals, unbalanced rivers .
and lake ecosystems that .
can no longer support full biological diversity, .
deforestation from acid .
rain, and many other effects. These effects are .
specific to the various .
Other major water pollutants are chemical, .
biological, and physical .