" The goal's of the UNIA was he wanted worldwide confraternity of the Black race, he wished to see the development of Africa from a backward, colonial enclave to a self-supporting giant of which all Blacks could be proud, he wanted to see Africa as a developed Negro nation, a forced in world power, and a place to which all Blacks could return and he also wanted to work for the uplifting of the Black race anywhere it was to be found (Johnson). Garvey was ridiculed by many on the UNIA organization in Jamaica, even blacks. However, in 1916 Garvey traveled to Harlem, and this is where his visions and popularity flourished the most and it was here where he wrote "Africa for the Africans.".
"Africa for the Africans" is a work that is the backbone of the UNIA. Garvey's work "Africa for the Africans" is about how the Negro people of the world should concentrate upon the object of building up for themselves a great nation in Africa (Lewis, 17). Garvey declares:.
It is history, and history will repeat itself. Beat the Negro, brutalize the Negro, kill the Negro, burn the Negro, imprison the Negro, scoff at the Negro, deride the Negro, it may come back to you one of these fine days, because the supreme destiny of man is in the hands of God. Everybody believes that revenge is God's, but at the same time .
we are men, and revenge sometimes springs up, even in the most Christian heart. (Lewis, 24) .
Yet, in a later paragraph he states:.
Remember that you are men, that God created you Lords of this creation. Lift up yourselves, men, take yourselves out of the mire and hitch your hopes to the stars; yes, rise as high as the very stars themselves. Let no man pull you down, let no man destroy your ambition, because man is but your companion, your equal; man is your brother; he is not your lord; he is not your sovereign master. (Lewis, 25).
I feel that these two paragraphs contradict each other.