"Attila succeeded his uncle, at first sharing the throne with his brother Bleda, whom he put to death in 445 AD". (www.encarta.msn.com/text_761552863_1/Attila.html page 1.) Attila was so bent on uniting his people he even killed his own brother just so he could have complete power over his uncle's tribes, and eventually united all the other tribes.
The Romans were a threat to all society in Attila's time. Attila did something though that no other army ever thought of doing. Attila advanced his army to the Western Roman Empire. By doing so, Attila helped in the destruction of the Roman Empire. No army ever thought about conquering or making any kind of an advance towards the Western Roman Empire, because the walls or Constantinople, its capital were said to be 6 feet thick and their army was 100,000 large. With every advance Attila made towards the Western Empire, he conquered all of the countryside. Attila, on the other hand, didn't kill all the conquered people; he gave them a choice, either serve in his army or bears their crops. "Those of the conquered who were not destroyed were compelled to serve in armies Attila later conquered the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II with half of his army Theodosius's people." (www.realm-of-shade.com/zarathistra/attila.html page 2) Attila's battle philosophy was considered ruthless. He was denounced as a Barbarian savage. But the people who called him these slurs were the Romans who killed more than 75 percent of the people they conquered, never giving them a choice to live or die. Attila's siege to the Eastern Empire, with a formable force including Gaseric, king of the Vandals destroyed everything in their path. "With great numbers of Ostrogoths, or East Goths, whom he had conquered in his army, Attila invaded Gaul and met Roman general Flanos Aetuis". (www.encarta.msn.com/text_761552863_1/Attila.html page 1.) With Attila's great alliances to his people and formidable companies, he feared no army and went headfirst into battle against the Western Roman Empire's army.