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My misspent youth

             I agree with her in a lot of aspects. Nobody realizes how broke you do get when attending college. Because she chose to live in New York she spent more than what she would of in a smaller city.
             She wanted the best of everything and it has cost her more than what she has. I can relate to her situation in a big way.
             I for example am a full time student living off of my student loans semester to semester till I am finished. Along with being a single parent and having those expenses of having to buy extra stuff for my daughters school I don't have anything left. So we live day by day not month to month like most people probable do.
             The writer however spent money she knew she didn't have on eating out and furnishing her apartment with things she didn't need. There are times when I want to go spend money I don't have but I find me telling myself NO more than I tell my daughter no.
             I see this also in a way that "how were we raised"! Once we leave our parents house and are out on our own we don't have them to tell us no we can't have that. Money issues are something new for a lot of people when leaving the parent's house.
             It makes you wonder the author's background growing up. Did she have punishment from her parents or did they let her get whatever she wanted. This makes a big difference on what kind of person you will be later on in life. Broke and homeless or living the good life. That's all up to you!.

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