In early February of 2003, I got accepted into Husson College of Bangor, Maine. Three weeks later I also got accepted into EMCC of Bangor Maine. Now I found myself trying to choose between the two schools. There are good things and bad things about both schools. I thought and discussed these issues with my family and after a couple of weeks I decided to try EMCC. .
The cost difference between the schools was probably the biggest factor in my decision. I received scholarships to cover my entire first year's tuition here at EMCC. That number would just skim the surface of a semester's bill at Husson. As far as I am concerned, I can receive just as good of an education here and not feel like I am just a number. I will be able to graduate from EMCC virtually debt free, where as at Husson I would most likely face a five figure debt which would take me years to pay.
Another factor in my decision was two years versus four years. I honestly do not know if four more years of school would be for me. I like the fact that in less than two years I will be out working and starting a career, and if I feel the need to stay in school longer, I can do that also.
A third factor effecting my decision is that I did not want to take classes at Husson that I would never need to take here at EMCC. Four year schools like Husson usually make you take core courses that don't always relate to your major. Here I am taking courses that the employers in my field of work want its workers to take.
Now that we are a couple of months into this first semester, I think my decision was a good one. I only had to pay $ 350 dollars of my own money. Now I only have to worry about paying for next year, if I do not get any financial aid. All I have to worry about now is working hard and getting my degree.