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Conversation with Domhoff

             A) Domhoff believes that class is a pre-determined concept that involves class and power along with that of social relationships and lifestyle. In the economic sense there are relationships between two different people, such as the boss and his employees. These people have roles in the economic circle. Then there is the social side to this. Such as people belonging to health clubs or people living in the same area together. These people tend to be around the same economic class that they belong to. He believes that these people don't put themselves in a class. It is normally the most powerful that organize themselves into a "class". .
             B) By saying "relational" he is referring to the relations that members of class have with one another. If it weren't for these relations there would be no realization of class. Like the two different roles that the economic a social play. Yes they are two different roles, but they are one in the same. .
             C) Domhoff believes that there is and upper class but it is very unclear in many cases to who belongs to this upper class. In a sense, many of the studies done to see who falls in the upper class are very sketchy. Many middle class people can be taken into the upper class health clubs. They can also be taken into the upper class private schools through scholarships. Leaving the question of who is and who isn't in the upper class. .
             D) I would define power as a group or organization with great influence over other groups. With this group having ownership over many important things, such as oil, land, etc. I don't believe that any one person can have much power by himself or herself without having the backing of many people with the same idea. I believe that power has many different meanings. One could say that power means having a lot of money, or having a lot of land. One could say that power is the influence a person has on other people. Whose to say the other people didn't have the same idea to begin with.

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