Communication takes the verbal and non-verbal form and I have observed that effective communication allows the teacher to express goals, intended outcomes, and expectations clearly and effectively and this has a direct impact on motivation. .
Managing Challenging Behaviour.
As a trainee teacher I need to know a range of strategies for promoting a positive and safe working environment in which students can become independent learners. As suggested by Ellis (2003: p 68), trainee teachers need to recognise the difference between discipline and control and make space for students" voices to be heard. Capel et al, (2003: p 116) suggests that the key to achieving this rests in the quality of my classroom management skills. .
Effective planning, appreciation of learning styles, classroom management and all the elements to do with motivating pupils are key aspects to avoiding disruptions in the classroom. From an ICT perspective, the layout of the classroom is an important consideration to the management of the class. In that regard Kennewell et al, (2003) emphasises the need to identify: What is the focal point of the room? Are there any blind spots or seats where pupils will have their back to you? Where will bags and coats go? Are you able to move around the room? If you give support to a pupil will you lose sight of the rest of the class?.
It is important to lay the ground rules at the outset to prevent misbehaviour (Capel, et al, 2003: p 119). This is an important issue since through my observations it is far easier to do what is necessary to prevent misbehaviour than to attempt deal with it afterwards. Nevertheless one also has to acknowledge the complexity of human nature and have awareness of, and sensitivity to, pupil mood, background, environment and be aware of what engages their interest to learn.
Additionally it is important to reflect on my own teaching approach to analyse whether my expectations of, and behaviour towards, pupils are being influenced by previous knowledge given to me by my mentor about the ability or behaviour of particular pupils in the class that I am teaching.