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Merchant of Venice- Anti-semitism

             Shylock's servant Lancelet was also very prejudice towards Shylock. Lancelet was supposed to be his servant, some one below him and yet Lancelet considers himself better than Shylock because is Christian and Shylock is a Jew.
             "To be ruled by my conscience, I should stay with the Jew my master, who is a kind of devil; and to run away from the Jew, I should be ruled by the fiend, who is the devil himself. Certainly the Jew is the very devil incarnation, and in my conscience, and , in my conscience, my conscience is but a kind of hard conscience to offer to counsel me to stay with the Jew. The fiend gives the more friendly counsel. I will run, fiend. My heels are at your commandme nt. I will run."(pg47).
             Lancelet is calling Shylock a devil just because he is not Christian. Which means that Lancelet is being disobediant to God because he is judging. There is only one God and it is not Lancelet therefore he should not judge Shylock. He judges Shylock by what he believes in not what's in his heart and mind. Lancelet is Shylocks servent. He believes that Shylock is benith him in the classes just because he is Jewish. When Lancelet says this he is saying that every Jew is not worth as much as him because he is a Christian and they are not.
             Lancelet is also embarrassd that his father still works for a Jew. Lancelet pretends he was not himself so that his father would not recognize him. By accident his father gets the idea that Lancelet is dead but really he is talking to his son. Lancelet decides that it is really mean not to talk to his father but to prove to his dad that he is Lancelet he says this "I know not what I shall think of that; but I am Lancelet, the Jew's man, and I am sure Margery your wife is my mother."(pg51) It was not necessary for him to say I am the Jew's man all he had to say was I work for Shylock. He was being very Anti Semitic, he made sure everyone knew that he worked for the Jew and hated it.

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