He gave it the name the Thin Lizzie. The "Quadricycle," as he called it, was driven by a two-cylinder, four-cycle motor and had a buggy frame mounted on four bicycle wheels and had no reverse gear or brakes (World Book Encyclopedia: Henry Ford). Since his Quadricycle was such a success, Ford sold it to raise money so he could create more vehicles. .
By August 1899, Ford had raised enough money to start his own company, the Ford Motor Company. His first group of investors withdrew after Ford had spent $86,000 without producing a car that could be sold. Eventually he produced a car that appeared at the Grosse Pointe Blue Ribbon track at Detroit. Its performance helped him to sell 6,000 $10 dollar shares in his new company (www.incwell.com/biographies/ford).
During the next several years, Ford continued to fine-tune and make better his passenger vehicles. In 1903, Ford produced an automobile he was ready to market, but had a few flaws. In 1904, Ford introduced the successful Model T, which was manufactured for 19 years. The car sold well and the company flourished and by 1907 the profits reached $1,100,000 (World Book Encyclopedia: Henry Ford). In 1909 Ford made the decision to manufacture only one type of car, the Model T. Initially it took 14 hours to assemble a Model T car. By improving his mass production methods, Ford reduced this time to 1 hour 33 minutes (Kerman pg14). This lowered the overall cost of each car and enabled Ford to sell his cars for cheaper then other cars on the market. Between 1908 and 1916 the selling price of the Model T fell from $1,000 to $360.
Even though Ford was doing so great, with his success came a few problems. Soon after the incorporation of the Ford Motor Company, Ford was threatened by the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers. After years of legal battles, Ford won his case in 1911. Because Ford won this case many people could become automobile manufacturers (www.
Henry Ford Henry Ford was one of the most important and influential inventors and businessmen in the short history of America. ... Ford was born on July 30, in the year of 1863; Henry Ford was the oldest child of the family. ... Clara Bryant would represent the next step in now twenty-five year old Henry Ford's life. ... Ford, not discouraged, took up to it again with the Henry Ford Company, founded around November of 1901. ... Henry Ford died on April 7, 1947. ...
Henry Ford had a mind like no other man that was simultaneous and contradictory toward the future he helped create. ... Henry Ford represented the 1920's along with the flappers and flasks that did not represent his values. The model T was the first automobile built for the masses by Henry Ford. ... Henry Ford looked forward into the future by changing the way people lived and worked. ... Ford had a reputation as a forward-looking inventor, yet Ford idolized the values of the past. ...
Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863. He was the son of William and Mary Ford. ... In 1888, Henry married Clara Bryant. ... In 1903, Ford formed the Ford Motor Company and produced an automobile he was ready to market. ... Henry had experienced two strokes by that time, and two years later handed over the presidency to his grandson. ...
Henry Ford, an extremely hard working man, was very curious in his early life because he liked to take things apart and ask many questions. ... From that date forward, Henry Ford found out what he was destined to do: build an incredible car. ... Henry Ford had their only child, a boy named Edsel Bryant Ford. ... Henry Ford decided that building and driving race cars was the best thing for him to do at this time, so late in 1901, he decided to race and sell cars. ... Wills as Ford's company assistant, James Couzens as Ford's business partner, and Malcomson as Ford...
Henry Ford did. Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863 in Wayne County, Michigan. ... Henry Ford had a mind to invent something new. ... After he got sick of school, Henry moved to Detroit, hoping he could find a job. ... Henry Ford changed the world. ...
Henry Ford was a very controversial person in American history. ... Henry Ford was born in Dearborn Michigan. ... Henry Ford's motor company, simply called the "Ford Motor Company-, was incorporated in 1903. ... When he resigned for the second time, his oldest grandson, Henry Ford II, became president of the company. ... Henry Ford would serve as chairman of the board from July 13, 1960 until March 13, 1980. ...
Henry Ford brought his company from a one-man business, headquartered in his garage, to a multi-million dollar business, that has become a staple of the American car industry. ... Henry Ford and his company impacted the automobile industry in every way, and if it weren't for Ford and the Model T, the cars that people have come to love today, would not exist. Henry Ford was an innovator that wanted to see his ideas come to fruition. ... In 1903, Henry Ford and 2 associate investors founded Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Michigan. ... Henry Ford put his company onto the path of success, wi...
-Henry Ford Henry Ford's parents left Ireland during the potato famine and settled in the Detroit area in the 1840s. Henry Ford, born July 30, 1863, was the first of William and Mary Ford's six children. ... Probably the most dramatic event in Henry Ford's life happened in 1876 when he was thirteen years old. ... The meeting with Thomas Edison gave Henry Ford fresh inspiration and his spirit was renewed by the famous inventor's words of encouragement. ... After two unsuccessful attempts to establish a company to manufacture automobiles, the Ford Motor Company was incorpora...