Hath trifled former knowings.".
"Ha, good father,.
Thou storey skies, stars moving addly with man's act".
Ross's speech means that God has seen Macbeth's act and will do something about it.
The old man gives an example of what happened between two birds.
"A falcon towering in her pride of place.
Was by a mousing owl hawked and killed".
He is saying that how can an owl kill a falcon when falcons are stronger than owls. He describes this as "Tis unnatural." .
Ross gives another example, this time about Duncan's horses.
"Beauteous and swift, the minions of their race,.
Turned wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, .
Contending "gainst obedience, as they would make.
War with mankind.
This tells us that Duncan's horses were beautiful and quick creatures but after the kings death, they are the opposite to quick and beautiful. They have turned wild and disobedient. They have turned the opposite of which they were before, fighting against obedience. They break out of their stalls and the conclusion is mankind has done evil. .
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are affected by the murder of Duncan. In the beginning of Act 3 Scene 2, Macbeth is very confident in the beginning but Lady Macbeth doesn't think that he is. She is scared of leaving him alone because he could jeopardise their plans. Macbeth's language shows guilt.
"Thou canst not say I did it; never shake.
Thy gory locks at me".
He speaks a lot about how he will murder without saying the actual word "murder.".
"If it were done, when "tis done, then "twere well.
It were done quickly". .
Macbeth talks about Duncan sleeping peacefully in his grave, nobody can touch him now because he's gone.
"Duncan is in his grave,.
After life's fistful fever he sleeps well,.
Treason had done his worst: nor steel, nor poison,.
Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing,.
Can touch him further" .
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to be strong, loyal to show he can be a great king when they dine with their guests.