Steroids are taken orally or injected. Athletes and other abusers take them on and off for weeks or months, rather than continuously, in patterns called cycling. Cycling involves taking multiple doses of steroids over a specific period of time, stopping for a period, and starting again. In addition, users frequently combine several different types of steroids to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing negative effects, a process known as stacking.
Reports indicate that use of anabolic steroids produces increases in lean muscle mass, strength, and ability to train longer and harder; but long-term, high dose effects of steroid use are largely unknown. The major side effects of anabolic steroid use include liver tumors, jaundice, fluid retention, severe acne, and high blood pressure (Schwarzenegger, 312). Men who use steroids may also face shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, and development of the breasts. Women who use steroids may develop facial hair, changes in cessation of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris and a deepened voice (Schwarzenegger, 312). Steroid use among adolescents is extremely dangerous and can cause halted growth through premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty.
There is also the risk of psychiatric side effects associated with steroid use. Many users report feeling good about themselves while on steroids, but researchers report that steroid abuse can cause wild mood swings including maniac like symptoms leading to violent episodes. Depression is often seen when the drugs are stopped and may contribute to steroid dependence. Researchers reported also that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgement stemming from feelings of invincibility (Schrof, 54). .
The supply of anabolic steroids comes primarily from three major sources. Anabolic steroids are manufactured legally or illegally outside the United States and are smuggled into this country.