Any other needs are subject to a standard of priority (priority going to those which will both optimally utilize resources and enrich individuals) to determine whether they are "true" or "false." Priority must be decided by the individual, but this cannot be accomplished until they are free from the manipulation of a dominant, stifling society to make their own decisions. When people are truly liberated, then their ideas will be their own and the needs they wish fulfilled "true." .
Marcuse contends that a major player in the preconditioning of needs forced upon individuals is the media. The media has immense power in the process of repressing through the imposition of "false" needs; it serves as an instrument of indoctrination for the dominant institution by making clear the contrast of what is attainable and what is desired, assimilating man across class lines through the sale and ultimate adoption of these wants. Value is placed on their pursuit and ultimate achievement. In short, under the influence of the media, and thus advanced industrial society, people define themselves by their possessions and the successful satisfaction of coveted needs. I agree with this argument. Popular culture, especially as it is portrayed through the media, becomes the end all be all of what is, or should be desired. All pursue the same goals which are packaged for imposition upon us. Possessing whatever it may be, one is envied. Lacking that, one envies. A perfect, although exhausted, example of this can be seen through the commodification of the perfect body. Be it through magazines, television, movies or advertisements, individuals are bombarded by images of emaciated women and sculpted men. It has become generally accepted that this is the archetype of the female or male form. Those who do not meet these physical standards become dissatisfied with themselves and ravenous for the means which will expedite the achievement of their want.
While in France she becomes acquainted with Herbert Marcuse, a prominent political figure. Davis stated concerning a lecture, "When Marcuse walked onto the platform, situated on the lowest level of the hall, his presence dominated everything. ... Marcuse proved to be a considerable influence on Davis and his interactions with her lead to her intensified involvement with the communist party. Davis" decision to return to the US is a direct result of her relationship with Marcuse and his political beliefs. ...
In America, the media holds a powerful and effective position in politicizing and socializing the general populace. The main political function of the media is to inform and analyze while being accountable. However the question of whether the media produces a pluralist democracy, or fosters a "...
One of the leading theorists that are seen to offer a huge amount of criticism in this paradigm is Herbert Marcuse. According to Marcuse (cited in Ritzer, 2011:285) "technology, no matter how pure,' sustains and streamlines the continuum of domination". ...
The Frankfurt school was made up by four main scholars Theodor W Adorno (Philosopher, Sociologist and Musicologist), Walter Benjamin (Essayist and literacy critic), Herbert Marcuse (Philosopher), and Max Horkheimer (Philosopher, Sociologist) and later Jurgen Habermas. ...