First, let me say a few words concerning the teachers whom I have the honor to cooperate with, whom I learn to respect and who deserve my utmost admiration. I believe that every teacher exerts herself/himself to do a good job because, above all, it is a kind of responsibility, so to speak, toward their students and relevantly toward themselves. No matter if a teacher had no chance to chose this job by herself/himself or if it's the other way round namely that the job teaching students is her/his vocation, in both cases, she/he must have her/his own maxim. Therefore, I do not feel that I'm the appropriate person to judge teachers and their teaching methods. There are lots of competent, charismatic and devoted teachers who have left a good impression on me.
But there is one of all of those teachers who stands out. She was one of my teachers at high school. Her field was history and political education. As I can recall, she had the shape and the complexion of a majestic and at the same time grim looking eagle. If one didn't know her, one would regard her as a highly rigid and sadisdically Draconian professor but she was everything else but strict. In fact, she was a person of an amiable and gentle nature which made her an ideal teacher to nearly everyone. I recall, whenever she talked about an episode of history she would show us an instructive documentary about it. Exactly, that would make very session of hers an intriguing one. Furthermore, every time we had political education she would strike up a discussion, even a debate, which provoked our interest mostly, and have us talk. She was sometimes so kind hearted toward everyone she came across, so much so that it was rumored that every year the external examiners would have to adjust all her grades to allow her overflowing generosity. .