Christianity is one of the most largest and powerful religions in the world.
main branches: The Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestant. Each one .
of the three branches has it's own thoughts of practicing religions which is how they .
differ from one another, eventhough they are under the same umbralla of Christianity. .
Protestants, as an example, their religion consists of numerous of churches, each church .
have different practices and customes but overall there is no fundemental difference .
within these churches. Roman Catholicism; on the other hand, dose not consist of .
various churches with different thoughts or ideologies about their religion, actually they .
all have the same mission and purpose. Comparing one to the other Roman Catholicism .
and Protestants, we do see a majer difference in their own thoughts. .
To be able to compare Protestant thoughts to Roman Catholicism we have to first .
understand why the separation of church. Martin Luther was the man to first protest .
about the Catholic Church, he did not agree on a lot of things the church did and started .
to question and protest aginest some of the things they were doing, such as: taking .
communien, confession, contrubution to the church and baptizime at birth. Other .
people also felt the same and agreed with Martin Luther and then came the war followed .
by the reformation of the church. This is how Martin Luther then opened his own church .
and became Protestant along with many other people. .
One essential thought that differs from one religion to the other is the concept of .
God. Protestant do not believe you have to go to a specific place to pray to God, on the .
conterrie Protestants believe that you can be at any place at any time and still be able to .
pray, talk to God and feel close to him. Catholics on the other hand; believe that you .
must go to church at least once a week, to hear the word of God. .
If you do not go then you are not complaying with one of their rules and you can be .