Environmental Justice is the principle of moral rightness concerning the ecological impact of the environment. Today's society has many environmental issues such as air quality, energy, health, global warming, preservation of clean water, and waste. These are all relevant and reoccurring problems in our society. In order to help keep a clean and healthy environment people must first learn about the environment in which they live. .
Educating people is one of the best ways to start saving our environment. On Friday November 21, 2003 we went to educate a class of third graders at Our Lady of Angels Catholic School in Burlingame. We started our presentation by teaching them about the "Web of Life". The "Web of Life" is when one part of the earth suffers, the entire earth suffers. The students understood that because of our bad habits we could potentially be ruining our earth. To help them understand how to help the environment we did two activities. The first activity was planting flowers, which was a symbol of land. Planting flowers gave the students an opportunity to restore natural land which has been destroyed by the development of buildings. After the first activity we talked with the students about recycling and waste products. They already knew the principle points of recycling: recycle, reduce, and reuse. In our activity the students were given various objects which were to be thrown away in the garbage or recycled. This activity helped the students to differentiate between materials that are recyclable and disposable. After teaching the class about the environment we asked if they had learned anything. Almost every hand went up to share with the class what they learned. The most common response was that they learned about the triangle symbol on recyclable products. .
Presenting on environmental issues was not just educational for the third graders, but for us as well. We also learned more about the environments and what we can do to help keep it clean and healthy.
Today we can see the basic themes of Existentialism through the writings of Jean-Paul Sarte, Simone De Beauvoir and Albeert Camus. Existentialism is the philosophy that focuses on the individual person, usually stressing choice, freedom, and the problems of existence. This thought was born in French...
San Diego San Diego is a rare kind of place with many interesting things about it. It is 75 degrees all year long, it is next to an ocean, it has prime living conditions, relatively uncrowded and basically just a joy to live around. San Diego's location can be determined in two diff...
My personal philosophy of teaching focuses around my beliefs about education and what I hope to accomplish in my future years as a Special Education teacher. My main goal as a future teacher is to create a safe and welcoming classroom for my students. A place where they feel comfortable to be themse...
If Americans want to change their transporations system and improve 2 their enviornment, then sacrifices on the size of vehicles must be made. ... Americas huge use of oil also contributes greatly to the depletion of our enviornment. 3 America can break out of its petro-prison however. ...
The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution caused many changes in society, technology, and inventions occurred. Each of the areas of revolution can be a cause or effect of another. For example, Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin was indeed an invention. It also presented a ne...
The cost to express oneself and be an individual is high in today's world. I believe that the value of life is too high. It would be better to be laughed at and teased about wearing a uniform than to be shot by some gang member that did not like the color of the pants one student is wearing. R...