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Such companies like Columbia records, Motown Records, or Epic Nashville are among some of them. RIAA worked on a plan that would ultimately get rid of all sites that allowed for MP3 file sharing and downloading. In December of 1999, the RIAA launched its legal lawsuit. The Recording Industry Association of America filed a copyright infringement suit against the music software company. They are accusing Napster of allowing users to make unauthorized copies of music that belongs to RIAA artists. The industry is stating that such programs are allowing people to share digital music files without the correct permission. RIAA spokeswoman Lydia Pellicia quotes, "We have spent many days sampling the Napster community, and found that virtually all file traffic is unauthorized". Finally a decision was made. Napster was to shut down its site and it did in July of 2001. .
             Metallica Files Lawsuit.
             Not only did the RIAA file a lawsuit but recording artist Metallica was the first music group to file a suit against Napster and to strike against music privacy on the net. According to WireNews.com, "Metallica filed a lawsuit against Napster in the US District Court, Central District of California, alleging that the company encourages piracy by enabling and allowing its users to trade copyrighted songs through its servers". The lawsuit issued also names the University of Southern California, Yale University, and Indiana University because these institutions have students that have overly contributed to such illegal activity of downloading and sharing MP3 music files. The case against Napster raised questions about whether a software manufacturer is liable for the ways in which their product is used. More specifically, the cases will depend on how the courts interpret the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992 (AHRA).
             Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
             On October 12, 1998, the U.

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