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Palestinian Refugees

"("A Special Report" Friends of Al-Aqsa). Even though it is the biggest refugee disaster, it is still unsolved. The United Nations did have a resolution in 1948 stating: "those "refugees wishing to return to their home and live in peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date- The resolution also .
             called for the creation of a United Nations council to prepare the way for the return of the refugees." ("A Special Report" Friends of Al-Aqsa).The United Nations mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte was in charge of the proposal, but was assassinated by Zionist terrorists and the hope for the refugees was lost. As Eisenhower took office as the American President, there was new optimism for the Palestinians. He had a new plan to help the refugees. "It involved the exploitation of the waters of the Jordan river. Eisenhower was himself convinced that "the acceptance of a comprehensive plan to develop the Jordan valley would help immensely in ensuring stability in the Near East." It was envisioned that an estimated 300,000 refugees stood to benefit from Jordan Valley Development Program."( "A Special Report" Friends of Al-Aqsa). Both sides were against it though with the Arabs rejecting and Israel insisting in carrying its own water-carrier and it was to never exist. In addition, Israel funding from America was stopped for the time period. There have been ideas for the Palestinians right to return, but the major issue is it returning to their national soil or returning to their 1948 homes. As Ziad Abu-Zayyad suggested "One must distinguish between, on the one hand, the "right of return" as a principle, and on the other hand, exercising that right by literally returning to Palestine as a national homeland, and to that same home, piece of land, or grove which a certain Palestinian owned before 1948, as a private individual property." ("Palestinian" Zayyad).

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