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             This section continues with background information of the early childhood traumas that Sybil experienced. A depiction of her surroundings, her hometown, her relationship with family and especially with her mother whom the psychoanalyst believes is the cause of her mental illness. It is a very descriptive chapter with detailed incidents of child abuse and religious disturbances. Then the reader is introduced to several more personalities.
             Part III: Unbecoming.
             In this segment the author describes the sessions between the patient and the doctor. The progress and drawbacks of the analysis. It also describes the use of hypnosis to treat Sybil as well as the use of Penthothal as a "true serum- and other psychological techniques used in her treatment. The reader gets introduced to the remaining personalities including two selves that were masculine in nature.
             Part IV: Reentry.
             The last section explains the process of integration of the personalities. The sixteen cease to be in the exterior allowing the psychoanalyst to declare Sybil's personalities to be in complete remission. It also contains a piece describing the only relationship of the opposite sex that Sybil maintained.
             At the end the author includes an epilogue comprising seven years after the end of reentry until almost the time when the book got published. It also contains various items, mainly psychological tests and the clinical results.
             Analysis of the Text.
             The writer's style ranges from simple to technical; it uses simple, descriptive and chronological telling of the case, while at the same time, based greatly on the notes and observations of Dr. Cornelia B. Wilburn. The reader gets a specific detailed account of different psychological techniques, an explanation of the timing of usage, the drawbacks and positive results.
             Throughout the book the author uses persuasion by the use of comparison and contrast to develop the argument of the book.

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