Life itself can be compared to many things.
persons life can be seen as a chapter, and each passing day can be seen as adding a page to that .
chapter. But when viewed closely, one can say that life is more like a tragedy. As in life, you are .
the main character. In your own eyes, you consider yourself as admirable and of high stature. .
You go through difficulties each day not fully understanding the reasons behind them or fully .
being able to control them, at times you go through great sorrow, and sooner or later, you die. .
You meet an uncontrollable defeat where you only fully understand your life just before you .
leave this world. A person has within himself all the elements of a tragic character and life .
can be considered as a tragedy through the eyes of those living it.
Life holds many burdens, difficulties, and problems, that one must handle. No .
matter who you are in life, you will encounter issues that you must handle and issues you might .
even be defeated by. You can put up a fight to overcome the problems you face through life .
and you might gain small victories, but in the end you will be defeated. You will either be .
defeated by the problems, difficulties, and issues encountered through life, or by life itself. One .
cannot live forever, and death is inevitable. No matter how hard you fight, death does not stop for .
anyone. In your mind, heart and soul, you are the main character of your own life dealing with .
problems and difficulties each passing day . And just like in a tragic novel, life, in anyway, will .
bring defeat to the main character.