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Italian reunification

This led to the encouraged hopes for unification. When Napoleon was defeated t Waterloo, the old rulers were restored. Foreign rule was again in place.
             Secret societies were formed to carry out revolutionary activities. The "Carbonari", a secret society advocating political freedom engineered uprisings in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and in Sardinia [1820-1821]. Despite severe reprisals, new uprisings occurred in 1831 in the Papal States of Modena and Parma.
             Italian literature of this period, especially the novels of Allesandro Manzoni and Massimo Taparcelli Marchese d'Azeglio, onetime Premier of Sardinia and the poetry of Niccolo Foscolo and Giacomo Leopardi did much to stimulate strong feelings of nationalism.
             The Risorgimento was essentially a movement among the middle class and the nobility. Economic issues for most were ignored. The illiterate peasants for the most part would be unchanged by any form of government, and hence remained indifferent to the political ideas being expounded.
             Political activity was advanced and carried out by three groups. Firstly, the Giovene Italia [Young Italy] a group organized by Giuseppe Mazzini who advocated a republic and anticlerical form of government and supported social and economic reform. Secondly there existed the Conservative and Clerical involved in the national movement wanted a federation of Italian states under the presidency of the Pope.Lastly, there existed the Moderates, the propertied middle class and the Northern owners of commerce and industry, favored unification under the King of Savoy who was the ruler of Sardinia and Piedmonte.
             The King of Sardinia assumed the leadership of the Risorgimento in 1848 when he waged two unsuccessful supports to the uprisings in the Venetia-Lombard kingdom against Austria. Meanwhile revolutions were taking place in Venice, Parma, Modena,and Tuscany, the two Sicilies and the papal states where the short lived Roman republic was proclaimed by Mazzini.

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