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The Change process

In an interview (Tichy and Charan, 1989), Jack Welch similarly notes a key characteristic of any leader is to first face reality. .
             There is a key distinction between leading a change effort around ideas developed through creative tension as opposed to implementing fixes to current organisational problems. When one focuses on problem solving, the energy to change comes from the desire to escape an unpleasant status quo. With creative tension, the energy for the change comes from the vision, of what one wants to create, juxtaposed with the current reality. With problem solving, the energy for the change diminishes as the problems become less pressing and the situation is improved. Senge notes that the energy for change that drives the problem-solving process is extrinsic because it represents a way to escape from the status quo. Change driven by creative tension tends to be intrinsic. The extrinsic/intrinsic orientation can have a significant impact on the consequences of the change effort. In the context of a learning organisation, extrinsic motivation for change produces adaptive learning, whereas change driven by creative tension yields generative or new learning. Recognising change (the need for, the idea of, and the context thereof is just the first step. .
             Step 2: Define the change initiative .
             Defining the change initiative tracks closely with Jick's step 1 of analysing the organisation and its need for change. It is useful at this point to define the roles of the key players in all change efforts: Strategists, implementers and recipients (Dick, 1991a). Change strategists are responsible for the initial work: Identifying the need for change, creating a vision of the desired outcome, deciding what change is feasible, and choosing who should sponsor and defend it. The vision creation assists in the formation of creative tension that can yield generative learning. Change implementers are the ones who make it happen.

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