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The Change process

In essence, the model focuses on the leader's role in creating urgency for the change, crafting and communicating the vision, leading the change, measuring the progress of change along several dimensions, and institutionalising the change. Institutionalising the change, or the refreezing, involves changes in the organisational design factors, ie creating a fit of systems and structures to enable change. Kerr (quoted in Garvin, 2000), one of the developers of the model, refers to the series of seven steps as a pilot's checklist. According to Garvin (2000) checklists are used by even the most experienced pilots; yet they offer no new insights. Instead, they make existing knowledge more visible and accessible, ensuring that all essential steps are followed. Discipline, not discovery is the goal of the checklist. .
             The three models of the change process are configured in Figure 1 as a Mind Map. Mind mapping is a creativity and productivity enhancing technique that can improve the learning efficiency and capability of individuals and organisations (see eg Buzan, 1989; Mento et al., 1999). The Mind Map visually shows the intellectual roots upon which we drew. Three plus years of practical experiences, however, further shaped these theoretical constructs with change management at an anonymous defence contractor (ADC). Because of increased security measures after the events of 11 th September, the defence firm requested anonymity after the write-up of the projects had commenced. Thus drawing lessons learned from both the theoretical literature and a practitioner's experience, this paper provides guidance to the leader of an organisational change process. This guidance is grounded in both theory and practice. Furthermore, it demonstrates and is enriched by the use of such methodologies as mind mapping, lessons learned, storytelling and metaphors. .
             In the 1990s, the defence industry was greatly affected by a shrinking defence budget after the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

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