Poisonous snakes are to be considered to be a medical emergency. If bitten by a poisonous snake if not treated quickly it can be life threaten. Children are at a higher risk for death or serious complication because of their smaller body size. The right anti-venom if given as soon as possible can save a person life. .
The fourth point is causes. Poisonous snakes include any of the fallowing snake these are just a few, rattlesnakes, copperhead, cottonmouth, coral snake. All snake species will bite if threaten or surprised. Most snakes will sally avoid encounter if possible and will bite only as a last resort. Snakes found in or near water are frequency mistaken for poisonous. Most species of snakes are harmless and many will not be life threaten. Unless you are absolutely sure that the snake is not poisonous, treat it very serious.
The fifth point to remember is the don'ts. Do not apply tourniquet. Do not cut into snakebite with a razor or knife to prevent infection. Do not try to suction the venom out by mouth. Do not give the victim medicine or pain pill unless told to by a doctor. Do not give the victim anything by mouth. Do not raise the area above the level of the heart. .
The sixth and last point with dealing with snakebite is the symptoms. The symptoms include all of the fallowing, bloody wound discharge, blurred vision, burning, convulsions, diarrhea, dizziness, excessive sweating, fainting, fang marks in the skin, fever, increase thirst, localized tissue death, loss of muscle, coordination, nausea, vomiting, numbness and tingling, rapid pulse, severe localized pain, skin colorization, swell at the sight of the bite, weakness.
There are two types of snakes in the world, poisonous and nonpoisonous. Poison is a substance is that causes illness, death, injuries, by chemicals. When bitten by a poisonous snake fallow steps. Learn how to identify poisons snakes common to your area.